Nuts and seeds are loaded with nutritional compounds and hence they are also called as nutritional powerhouse. They are delicious , convenient and can be consumed by all age groups. They have immense number of vitamins, minerals, antioxidant and are absorbed well by our body .
By beginning your day with a handful of nuts and seeds will give you energy through out the day. They are complete foods since they have all the necessary nutrients for the day.
But the question is how to consume and how much to consume them?When we plant a seed we wash the seed well because during washing the layer of acid gets cleaned away making easier for the process of germination and to grow the plant. Similarly, while washing the seeds and nuts it wades of the phytic acid layer giving us to easily digest and absorb the nutrients.
Micronutrients which are found in nuts and seeds like calcium, zinc, iron, selenium do not gets absorbed in the body if we consume them raw. Soaking them overnight washes away the phytic acid layer.
It also reduces the amount of tannic acid(tannins) which are normally found in teas and coffees. Tannin interferes mainly with iron absorption which causes anaemia in those who consume in high amounts.
Similarly in the Rice and other pulses and legumes also this phytic acid is present and hence whenever we cook them, we should always soak them. For rice, it can be soaked for an hour before usage. For pulses, it can be soaked for 45 mins before usage and for legumes we need to soak them a little longer because legumes are high in protein and fiber and can be hard to digest if not soaked properly. so, these can be soaked for up to 12 hrs before the usage.
So, every night before going to bed soak a tablespoon full of all the seeds with water.