Physical health session Yoga & Meditation

5 Types of Yoga & Their Benefits

Hatha yoga is regarded as a preparatory process of yoga. The word “Ha” means sun and the word “ta” means moon. “Hatha” means the yoga form targeted at bringing sense of balance between the sun and the moon within the body. Hatha yoga typically involves a set of physical postures (yoga poses) and breathing techniques practiced more slowly and in a relatively static manner. In india, hatha yoga is associated in popular traditions with the yogis around the country. In the 20th century the development of hatha yoga focusing particularly on asanas (physical postures) became popular throughout the world as form of physical exercise. This modern form of yoga is now widely known simply as YOGA.

Hatha yoga includes the practice of asanas (yoga poses) and pranayama (breathing exercise) which helps in bringing peace of mind and preparing the body for deeper spiritual practices such as meditation. That yoga germinates from a deep understanding of the mechanics of the body and the yogic postures to enable the system to sustain a higher dimension of energy. By practising this profound science, one can change and enhance the way of thinking, feeling and experiencing life.


Physical benefits of hatha yoga

  • Increases mobility and range of motion: As we age our joints tend to stiffen from disuse and we lose the mobility and range of motion in our joints which we enjoyed in our youth. Regular practice of asana keeps our body limber and increases the range of motion in our ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulders.
  • Improves posture and sense of balance: Regular practice of asana improves our awareness and perception of our body, helping to improve our posture and balance.
  • Increases muscle tone, strength, and endurance: Muscle tone and strength is improved through asana practice, and through progressively more difficult postures, great strength and endurance can be built.
  • Relaxes the nerves and reduces tension: Regular asana practice, together with yogic breathing exercises (pranayama), helps greatly to relax the nerves and reduce nervous tension. This in turn can contribute to better quality of sleep.
  • Improves the sense of energy and vitality: All the above leads to an improved sense of energy and vitality, giving us the strength to realize any goal or ideal which we have set before us.

Emotional and mental benefits

  • Reduces anxiety and stress: As we learn to relax our nerves and control our breath, and build up our reserves of energy and strength, we become much better at managing and protecting ourselves against anxiety and stress.
  • Fosters control over difficult emotions: The same applies to managing difficult emotions like anger, fear, depression, etc. We develop a stable, grounded nature and positive outlook on life.
  • Enhances mental focus, clarity of thought & concentration: Especially through the more subtle practices of awareness, pranayama, and meditation (dhyana), we gain an enhanced mental focus and power & clarity of thought and concentration.

Let’s discuss about the first and most important form of hatha yoga

Sun Salutation

Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar comprises of a sequence of twelve powerful yoga poses. Apart from serving as an excellent form of cardiovascular workout, Surya namaskar can also have an extremely positive impact on the mind and body of the practitioner. It is always ideal to perform Surya namaskar on a completely empty stomach during the early hours of the morning to reap its utmost benefits. However, one can also perform during the dusk while the sun is still out.

Sun salutation comprises of of two sets consisting of the 12 yoga asanas. While there are multiple versions of sun salutation sequence, but one can always choose their personal practice. It is always a good idea to stick to a single version only and practice it regularly to achieve its utmost benefits.

Practicing sun salutation has been proven to be extremely beneficial for the spiritual development of the individual.

Sun salutations benefits

Sun salutation can offer a lot of health benefits. Some of them are

  • It can greatly help in losing weight.
  • Sun salutation enhances blood circulation of the body which can help in improving skin tone and texture.
  • It tones the muscles and improves the body posture.
  • It helps in maintaining the normal breathing and flushes out the toxins
  • It improves the functioning of the digestive system
  • It improves in proper functioning of the reproductive system and helps in hormonal imbalance in both women and men.
  • It improves functioning of the nervous system and removes anxiety
  • It helps the body and the mind to stay calm and focused
  • It also brings down the blood sugar in those suffering from diabetes and also helps in reducing hypertension.


Sun salutations can bring great benefits however people suffering from coronary artery disease, hernia, stroke, intestinal surgery patients should not perform this practice.


These yogasanas helps in treating frequent headaches and migraines. When practiced regularly these poses brings immense relief for the headaches. **NOTE - People with cardiovascular issue,hypertension and people who have underwent surgeries should consult a certified yoga practioner before doing these asanas.