The gut is one of the epicentres of your body. It has a hand in critical functions of the body so it's imperative to keep it balanced.
The gut plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. It can help control everything from your weight, mood, brain health, inflammation and immune functions.
Not only that, but 90% of serotonin, the happy feel good hormone, is produced in the gut. So if you're feeling down and out, it could be traced to a gut imbalance. If you want to stay happy and healthy, then you need to make sure you support your gut health.
What is the gut microbiome?
So you've all heard about bacteria living inside your body. Most of these guys are in your large intestine and make up the gut microbiome. You want and need these good bacteria in your system. These good guys can help with digestion and in removal of toxins from the body. They keep your immune system strong. In fact 70% of your immune system is found in the gut.
So the problem comes when there are too many bad bacteria running the show. When that happens, you develop an imbalance that can affect your health.
What happens when your gut is off ?
Let's say you are super stressed at work, so you eat junk food all week, have lots of drinks and get poor sleep. All of these actions can negatively impact your gut microbiome. What does that look like ??
1. Bad moods
2. Brain fog
3. Anxiety
4. Food allergies
5. Skin problems - itchy, rashes
6. Digestive upset - bloating, abdominal pain
7. Autoimmune issues
8. Constipation or loose stools
9. Frequent illness
10. Joint pain
11. Headaches and migraines
12. Weigh gain
13. Exhaustion
14. Hormonal imbalances
15. Poor sleep
16. Depression
All these are just a few.. there are plenty others which are affected by poor gut health.
So don't you wanna know how you fix it when it's causing you so much trouble ?
It's simple, by following a healthy lifestyle one can always maintain a good gut health .. to know more go through my second post thoroughly..
Happy gut = happy you .. so stay happy !!!