The food that we eat has major impacts on our health, mental well-being and environment. Organic traditional foods have more beneficial nutrients compared to normal foods. One such food is palm jaggery also known as karupatti (in tamil). Its an ancient traditional food our ancestors treasured for its loaded health benefits which most of us have no idea about.
Palm jaggery is made from the concentrated juice extracted from the palm trees. This juice is rich in nutrients and vitamins when compared to the normal jaggery form cane sugar and other sweeteners that cause diseases like diabetes and obesity. It not only enhances the taste of sweet delicacies but is also loaded with nutritional benefits.
Palm jaggery is an extracted sap of palm boiled and churned to make that melt in mouth texture.
The collected palm juice is then boiled for approx. 2 hours to make a thick syrup. This syrup is stirred constantly for hours and left in water to cool down resulting in pale yellow caramel ball which the jaggery.
It has a lower glycaemic index compared to white sugar.
Palm jaggery is rich in calcium which helps in strengthening of bones and reduces joint pains.
As compared to regular sugar, palm jaggery helps in better digestion as it consists of composite carbohydrates. A small piece can keep one energetic throughout the day.
Palm jaggery is rich in iron, which increases the haemoglobin levels, thus treating anaemia. It also contains potassium which is essential for muscle contraction and regulates the heartbeat.
Palm jaggery provides much needed nutrients like magnesium and iron which helps in keeping the skin wrinkle free and healthy looking. It not only brings a glow to the skin but also helps treat acne.
Consuming palm jaggery in moderate amount during pregnancy provides essential minerals and iron and nourish both the mother and the fetus.
Consumption of palm jaggery helps eliminate water retention in the body by releasing unwanted toxins. It also helps in balancing the electrolytes to help in weight loss.
Menstrual cramps can be reduced by consuming small amounts of palm jaggery powder. It is rich iron which helps in treating the menstrual flow and treats the muscle cramps by relieving the pain. It releases endorphins which relieves the mood swings, periods pain and even helps in preventing the PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
The folate and zinc in the palm jaggery helps in relieving the frequent migraine headaches.
Palm jaggery helps in cleansing the stomach and facilitate easy bowel movement. The unwanted toxins are flushed out to allow better absorption of food. It also helps control the bacterial flora of the gut thereby treating constipation and indigestion.
Palm jaggery helps in cleansing and detoxification of the body. It also purifies the blood and builds immunity against diseases. It also keeps the body warm during winters and helps in treating cough and cold.